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[Keyword] hash function(78hit)


  • Further More on Key Wrapping

    Yasushi OSAKI  Tetsu IWATA  

    PAPER-Symmetric Cryptography

    E95-A No:1

    Constructing a secure and efficient key wrapping scheme is demanding, and the scheme based on a universal hash function and an elementary encryption mode like ECB and CBC modes is potential for a practical use. However, at SAC 2009, Gennaro and Halevi showed that a key wrapping scheme using a universal hash function and ECB mode (a HtECB scheme) is broken, and the security of a scheme based on a universal hash function and CBC mode (a HtCBC scheme) has been left as an open problem. In this paper, we first generalize classical notions of universal and uniform hash functions, and propose a total of four new notions of the keyed hash function. We then prove that HtECB and HtCBC schemes are secure key wrapping schemes if the universal hash function satisfies uniformity and our notions, where the result on the HtCBC scheme gives a partial answer to the open problem. Then we discuss a basic problem of identifying relations between various notions of a keyed hash function, and point out that a monic polynomial hash function satisfies all the new notions.

  • Collision Resistance of Hash Functions in a Weak Ideal Cipher Model

    Shoichi HIROSE  Hidenori KUWAKADO  


    E95-A No:1

    This article discusses the provable security of block-cipher-based hash functions. It introduces a new model called a weak ideal cipher model. In this model, an adversary is allowed to make key-disclosure queries to the oracle as well as encryption and decryption queries. A key-disclosure query is a pair of a plaintext and a ciphertext, and the reply is a corresponding key. Thus, in this model, a block cipher is random but completely insecure as a block cipher. It is shown that collision resistant hash functions can be constructed even in this weak model.

  • Cryptanalysis of Group Key Agreement Protocol Based on Chaotic Hash Function

    Eun-Jun YOON  Kee-Young YOO  


    E94-D No:11

    In 2010, Guo and Zhang proposed a group key agreement protocol based on the chaotic hash function. This letter points out that Guo-Zhang's protocol is still vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks, stolen-verifier attacks and reflection attacks.

  • Preimage Attack on 23-Step Tiger

    Lei WANG  Yu SASAKI  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E94-A No:1

    This paper evaluates the preimage resistance of the Tiger hash function. To our best knowledge, the maximum number of the attacked steps is 17 among previous preimage attacks on Tiger, where the full version has 24 steps. Our attack will extend the number of the attacked steps to 23. The main contribution is a pseudo-preimage attack on the compression function up to 23 steps with a complexity of 2181 following the meet-in-the-middle approach. This attack can be converted to a preimage attack on 23-step Tiger hash function with a complexity of 2187.5. The memory requirement of our attack is 222 words. A Tiger digest has 192 bits. Therefore, our attacks are faster than the exhaustive search.

  • Security of Cryptosystems Using Merkle-Damgård in the Random Oracle Model

    Yusuke NAITO  Kazuki YONEYAMA  Lei WANG  Kazuo OHTA  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E94-A No:1

    Since the Merkle-Damgård hash function (denoted by MDFH) that uses a fixed input length random oracle as a compression function is not indifferentiable from a random oracle (denoted by RO) due to the extension attack, there is no guarantee for the security of cryptosystems, which are secure in the RO model, when RO is instantiated with MDHF. This fact motivates us to establish a criteria methodology for confirming cryptosystems security when RO is instantiated with MDHF. In this paper, we confirm cryptosystems security by using the following approach: 1.Find a weakened random oracle (denoted by WRO) which leaks values needed to realize the extension attack. 2.Prove that MDHF is indifferentiable from WRO. 3.Prove cryptosystems security in the WRO model. The indifferentiability framework of Maurer, Renner and Holenstein guarantees that we can securely use the cryptosystem when WRO is instantiated with MDHF. Thus we concentrate on such finding WRO. We propose Traceable Random Oracle (denoted by TRO) which leaks values enough to permit the extension attack. By using TRO, we can easily confirm the security of OAEP encryption scheme and variants of OAEP encryption scheme. However, there are several practical cryptosystems whose security cannot be confirmed by TRO (e.g. RSA-KEM). This is because TRO leaks values that are irrelevant to the extension attack. Therefore, we propose another WRO, Extension Attack Simulatable Random Oracle (denoted by ERO), which leaks just the value needed for the extension attack. Fortunately, ERO is necessary and sufficient to confirm the security of cryptosystems under MDHF. This means that the security of any cryptosystem under MDHF is equivalent to that under the ERO model. We prove that RSA-KEM is secure in the ERO model.

  • The Security of Abreast-DM in the Ideal Cipher Model

    Jooyoung LEE  Daesung KWON  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E94-A No:1

    As old as TANDEM-DM, the compression function ABREAST-DM is one of the most well-known constructions for double block length compression functions. In this paper, we give a security proof for ABREAST-DM in terms of collision resistance and preimage resistance. The bounds on the number of queries for collision resistance and preimage resistance are given by Ω(2n). Based on a novel technique using query-response cycles, our security proof is simpler than those for MDC-2 and TANDEM-DM. We also present a wide class of ABREAST-DM variants that enjoy a birthday-type security guarantee with a simple proof*.

  • MPP Characteristics of Variants of Merkle-Damgård Iterated Hash Functions

    Shungo NAKAMURA  Tetsu IWATA  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E93-A No:1

    A Multi-Property-Preserving (MPP) hash function is a hash function that simultaneously preserves several security properties of the underlying compression function. The Merkle-Damgård with a Permutation (MDP) was shown to preserve unforgeability and pseudorandom oracle property. In this paper, we consider the most basic security properties of hash functions, namely collision resistance, second-preimage resistance, and preimage-resistance. We first show which of these properties are preserved by MDP in the dedicated-key setting. We also identify the properties preserved by four variants of MDP, and five other variants of Merkle-Damgård iterated hash functions. As a result, for the ten hash functions we analyze, we obtain their complete MPP characteristics.

  • Practical Password Recovery Attacks on MD4 Based Prefix and Hybrid Authentication Protocols

    Yu SASAKI  Lei WANG  Kazuo OHTA  Kazumaro AOKI  Noboru KUNIHIRO  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E93-A No:1

    In this paper, we present practical password recovery attacks against two challenge and response authentication protocols using MD4. For attacks on protocols, the number of queries is one of the most important factors because the opportunity where an attacker can ask queries is very limited in real protocols. When responses are computed as MD4(Password||Challenge), which is called prefix approach, previous work needs to ask 237 queries to recover a password. Asking 237 queries in real protocols is almost impossible. In our attack, to recover up to 8-octet passwords, we only need 1 time the amount of eavesdropping, 17 queries, and 234 MD4 off-line computations. To recover up to 12-octet passwords, we only need 210 times the amount of eavesdropping, 210 queries, and 241 off-line MD4 computations. When responses are computed as MD4(Password||Challenge||Password), which is called hybrid approach, previous work needs to ask 263 queries, while in our attack, up to 8-octet passwords are practically recovered by 28 times the amount of eavesdropping, 28 queries, and 239 off-line MD4 computations. Our idea is guessing a part of passwords so that we can simulate values of intermediate chaining variables from observed hash values. This enables us to use a short local collision that occurs with a very high probability, and thus the number of queries becomes practical.

  • Merkle-Damgård Hash Functions with Split Padding

    Kan YASUDA  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E93-A No:1

    We introduce the "split padding" into a current Merkle-Damgård hash function H. The patched hash function satisfies the following properties: (i) is second-preimage-resistant (SPR) if the underlying compression function h satisfies an "SPR-like" property, and (ii) is one-way (OW) if h satisfies an "OW-like" property. The assumptions we make about h are provided with simple definitions and clear relations to other security notions. In particular, they belong to the class whose existence is ensured by that of OW functions, revealing an evident separation from the strong collision-resistance (CR) requirement. Furthermore, we get the full benefit from the patch at almost no expense: The new scheme requires no change in the internals of a hash function, runs as efficiently as the original, and as usual inherits CR from h.

  • Hash Functions and Information Theoretic Security

    Nasour BAGHERI  Lars R. KNUDSEN  Majid NADERI  Sφren S. THOMSEN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:12

    Information theoretic security is an important security notion in cryptography as it provides a true lower bound for attack complexities. However, in practice attacks often have a higher cost than the information theoretic bound. In this paper we study the relationship between information theoretic attack costs and real costs. We show that in the information theoretic model, many well-known and commonly used hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-256 fail to be preimage resistant.

  • A Reversible Image Authentication Method without Memorization of Hiding Parameters

    Seungwu HAN  Masaaki FUJIYOSHI  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E92-A No:10

    This paper proposes a novel reversible image authentication method that does not memorize the parameters for extracting embedded authentication data from an image. The proposed method once distorts an image to hide data for authentication into the image, it recovers the original image from the distorted image unless tamper is applied to the image, i.e., reversible. By comparing extracted data and data generated from the restored image, this method detects image tampering and further localizes tampered regions by the unit of block. The proposed method extracts hidden data without memorization of parameters used in its algorithm. This feature makes the proposed method practical. Whereas any method memorizing parameters faces severe problems with storage and management of parameters, according to the increase in the number of memorized parameters that is caused by serving accurate tamper localization and/or by applying itself to a huge number of image collection, e.g., video sequences. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • An Efficient Signature Scheme with Fast Online Signing

    Taek-Young YOUN  Young-Ho PARK  Jongin LIM  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:10

    In 1999, Gennaro, Halevi and Rabin proposed a signature which achieves provable security without assuming the random oracles, and it is the first RSA-type signature whose security is proved in the standard model. Since that time, several signatures have been proposed to achieve better efficiency or useful property along with the provable security in the standard model. In this paper, we construct a trapdoor hash function, and design an efficient online/offline signature by using the trapdoor hash function. Our signature scheme requires only one non-modular multiplication of two small integers for online signing, and it provides the fastest online signing among all online/offline signatures that achieve provable security in the standard model.

  • Efficient Pseudorandom-Function Modes of a Block-Cipher-Based Hash Function

    Shoichi HIROSE  Hidenori KUWAKADO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:10

    This article discusses the provable security of pseudo-random-function (PRF) modes of an iterated hash function using a block cipher. The iterated hash function uses the Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO) mode for the compression function and the Merkle-Damgård with a permutation (MDP) for the domain extension transform. It is shown that the keyed-via-IV mode and the key-prefix mode of the iterated hash function are pseudorandom functions if the underlying block cipher is a pseudorandom permutation under a related-key attack with respect to the permutation used in MDP. More precisely, the key-prefix mode also requires that EIV(K)+ K is pseudoramdom, where E is the underlying block cipher, IV is the fixed initial value of the hash function, and K is a secret key. It is also confirmed that the MMO compression function is the best choice with MDP among the block-cipher-based compression functions in the Preneel-Govaerts-Vandewalle model in terms of the provable security.

  • Leaky Random Oracle

    Kazuki YONEYAMA  Satoshi MIYAGAWA  Kazuo OHTA  


    E92-A No:8

    This work focuses on a vulnerability of hash functions due to sloppy usages or implementations in the real world. If our cryptographic research community succeeded in the development of a perfectly secure random function as the random oracle, it might be broken in some sense by invalid uses. In this paper, we propose a new variant of the random oracle model in order to analyze the security of cryptographic protocols under the situation of an invalid use of hash functions. Our model allows adversaries to obtain contents of the hash list of input and output pairs arbitrarily. Also, we analyze the security of several prevailing protocols (FDH, OAEP, Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem, Kurosawa-Desmedt cryptosystem, NAXOS) in our model. As the result of analyses, we clarify that FDH and Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem are still secure but others are insecure in our model. This result shows the separation between our model and the standard model.

  • Extended Password Recovery Attacks against APOP, SIP, and Digest Authentication

    Yu SASAKI  Lei WANG  Kazuo OHTA  Noboru KUNIHIRO  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E92-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose password recovery attacks against challenge-response authentication protocols. Our attacks use a message difference for a MD5 collision attack proposed in IEICE 2008. First, we show how to efficiently find a message pair that collides with the above message difference. Second, we show that a password used in authenticated post office protocol (APOP) can be recovered practically. We also show that the password recovery attack can be applied to a session initiation protocol (SIP) and digest authentication. Our attack can recover up to the first 31 password characters in a short time and up to the first 60 characters faster than the naive search method. We have implemented our attack and confirmed that 31 characters can be successfully recovered.

  • A Strict Evaluation on the Number of Conditions for SHA-1 Collision Search

    Jun YAJIMA  Terutoshi IWASAKI  Yusuke NAITO  Yu SASAKI  Takeshi SHIMOYAMA  Thomas PEYRIN  Noboru KUNIHIRO  Kazuo OHTA  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E92-A No:1

    This paper proposes a new algorithm for evaluating the number of chaining variable conditions (CVCs) in the selecting step of a disturbance vector (DV) for the analysis of SHA-1 collision search. The algorithm is constructed by combining four strategies, that can evaluate the number of CVCs more strictly compared with the previous approach. By using our method, we found some DVs that have 57 (or 59) essential CVCs for 1st (or 2nd) block in the case if we assume that we can modify messages up to step 25, which we have not confirmed the practicability of the assumption.

  • Compression Functions Suitable for the Multi-Property-Preserving Transform

    Hidenori KUWAKADO  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E91-A No:10

    Since Bellare and Ristenpart showed a multi-property preserving domain extension transform, the problem of the construction for multi-property hash functions has been reduced to that of the construction for multi-property compression functions. However, the Davies-Meyer compression function that is commonly used for standard hash functions is not a multi-property compression function. That is, in the ideal cipher model, the Davies-Meyer compression function is collision resistant, but it is not indifferentiable from a random oracle. In this paper, we show that the compression function proposed by Lai and Massey is a multi-property compression function. In addition, we show that the simplified version of the Lai-Massey compression function is also a multi-property compression function. The use of these compression functions enables us to construct multi-property hash functions by the multi-property preserving domain extension transform.

  • Compression Function Design Principles Supporting Variable Output Lengths from a Single Small Function

    Donghoon CHANG  Mridul NANDI  Jesang LEE  Jaechul SUNG  Seokhie HONG  Jongin LIM  Haeryong PARK  Kilsoo CHUN  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E91-A No:9

    In this paper, we introduce new compression function design principles supporting variable output lengths (multiples of size n). They are based on a function or block cipher with an n-bit output size. In the case of the compression function with a(t+1)n-bit output size, in the random oracle and ideal cipher models, their maximum advantages from the perspective of collision resistance are . In the case of t=1, the advantage is near-optimal. In the case of t>1, the advantage is optimal.

  • An Efficient Reversible Image Authentication Method

    Seungwu HAN  Masaaki FUJIYOSHI  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E91-A No:8

    This paper proposes an image authentication method that detects tamper and localizes tampered areas efficiently. The efficiency of the proposed method is summarized as the following three points. 1) This method offers coarse-to-fine tamper localization by hierarchical data hiding so that further tamper detection is suppressed for blocks labeled as genuine in the uppper layer. 2) Since the image feature description in the top layer is hidden over an image, the proposed method enciphers the data in the top layer rather than enciphers all data in all layers. 3) The proposed method is based on the reversible data hiding scheme that does not use highly-costed compression technique. These three points makes the proposed method superior to the conventional methods using compression techniques and methods using multi-tiered data hiding that requires integrity verification in many blocks even the image is genuine. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Generalized Combinatoric Accumulator

    Dae Hyun YUM  Jae Woo SEO  Pil Joong LEE  

    LETTER-Cryptographic Techniques

    E91-D No:5

    The accumulator was introduced as a decentralized alternative to digital signatures. While most of accumulators are based on number theoretic assumptions and require time-consuming modulo exponentiations, Nyberg's combinatoric accumulator dose not depend on any computational assumption and requires only bit operations and hash function evaluations. In this article, we present a generalization of Nyberg's combinatoric accumulator, which allows a lower false positive rate with the same output length. Our generalization also shows that the Bloom filter can be used as a cryptographic accumulator and moreover excels the Nyberg's accumulator.
